Saturday, April 7, 2012

I knew this. The desert is very cold at night. Air and ground are still toasty at sunset and one is fooled into dressing lightly when crawling into the sleeping bag. That would be a mistake. At around 3:00 AM the cold wakes me up and I heap everything I have on top of me to hold the heat in. Then the sun comes up and quickly warms the tent and its contents to simmer in short order.

My road today led me south on 95 through Parker Dam which is a lush and green little haven in the desert, then east on 60 to Phoenix. This is a secondary road that more or less parallels the Interstate, and I aim to avoid Interstate highways if at all possible. Interstate highways are evil, built with the sole intention of getting the traveler to a destination as quickly and uneventfully as possible. As you may have gathered, that is certainly not the intention of Bruce and The Bruiser. Life is a journey not a destination, best lived on the secondary roads.
The Bruiser arrives in Arizona

Cactus appeared for the first time among the vegetation lining the roadside and became more densely scattered as The Bruiser and I probed the heart of Arizona. One variety in particular is sporting a glorious show of red flowers as spring seeps into the landscape.
Cactus flowers

Being the Easter weekend I thought ahead (imagine that!) and booked a motel in Tempe (a suburb of Phoenix immediately adjacent to Arizona State University) The loose plan is to do what is called a ‘shamrock tour’ of Arizona, touring the state by looping out from a centre point. Arizona has so much to offer that it is difficult to explore it effectively by driving in a straight line.

Streets and sidewalks in this neighbourhood are heavily populated by college students in various states of departure from sobriety, ever hopeful, I suppose, that all the book learnin’ that went on before spring break will still be stored in memory when they return where they left off.

Youth. I’m certainly glad I spent mine with greater diligence and responsibility.

Don't worry if you don't see a post from me for a couple of days. Rather than writing and posting every day perhaps I will consolidate this Arizona experience.

Happy Easter, Everybody! I hope the Easter Jackrabbit is good to you.